Environmental Law Demonstrative Cases

Clean Water Act Litigation

Successfully challenged Michigan’s large concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) general NPDES permit.

Clean Water Act Enforcement Litigation

Represent non-profit groups against industrial facilities, developers, mining operations and other polluters under the Clean Water Act’s “citizen suit” provision.  Representative clients include Columbia Riverkeeper, Sierra Club, Galveston Baykeeper, Coos Waterkeeper, and WildEarth Guardians.

Environmental Impact/Public Lands Litigation

Successfully challenged the Bandit II timber sale in Eastern Oregon based on the Forest Service’s failure to address aquatic impacts. Successfully challenged the Deep timber sale in Eastern Oregon based on the Forest Service’s failure to address cumulative impacts.  This case was won on appeal at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Successfully challenged the Bear Saddle timber sale in the Olympic National Forest based on the Forest Service’s inadequate analysis of aquatic impacts. Successfully challenged the Slinky timber sale in the Mt. Hood National Forest based on the Forest Service’s failure to meet the requirements of the Forest Plan. Successfully challenged an invasive herbicide project based on cumulative impacts on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.  This case is currently on appeal at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding aquatic impacts.

Environmental Administrative Proceedings

Represented client groups, including the Sierra Club, opposing the Bradwood Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal in Oregon at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and ultimately before the 9th Circuit. Due to pressure from the opposition groups, this project was never built. Currently representing landowners challenging the Jordan Cove LNG pipeline and associated terminal proposed near Coos Bay, Oregon. Represented Friends of Family Farmers in a successful challenge to Oregon Department of Agriculture’s Canola Rule in the Oregon Court of Appeals.  The rule would have allowed canola in the Willamette Valley, endangering Oregon’s specialty seed industry.

Property Contamination

Prosecuted and defended environmental contribution and cost recovery actions under state and federal laws on behalf of property owners.

About Field Jerger Law

Field Jerger is known for sophisticated representation in the areas of commercial litigation, bankruptcy, environmental law, intellectual property litigation, construction law and commercial collection. These departments have healthy overlaps and often lead to multi-disciplinary representation within our attorneys’ respective core practice areas.

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Phone: 503.515.3310 joe@fieldjerger.com

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PO Box 13326
Portland, OR 97213
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